Sunday, April 26, 2009

the SLO life

Last weekend I took a drive down Highway 1 through Big Sur then on down to San Luis Obispo. It was an amazing drive but a little too long since we picked one of the hottest weekends EVER! We got stuck behind tourists going 30 mph the whole way! It literally took 5 hours to get from Monterey to downtown SLO!

 All in all I think it was a once in a lifetime trip and I loved the view from the vista points along the way. The whole reason I wanted to take Highway 1 instead of 101 is so Lily could see the elephant seals. They were just lying all along the beach, hundreds of them! Lily kept yelling at me, "Mommy, look!" 

 Attempting to get a decent picture with Lily looking at the camera is nearly impossible. She might not be smiling but at least she is looking in the right direction LOL!

After eating lunch in Cambria, we continued on down the coast through Morro Bay to San Luis. We walked around downtown and came across this alley that was covered in bubble gum! Literally the whole alley had thousands of pieces of gross chewed up gum stuck on the walls! It was completely disgusting and of course Brian had to add to the nastiness! :-)  

After driving over 5 hours to get there, we didn't even think twice about taking the 101 home and we made it back in less than 2 hours!!!  Taking trips like this makes me appreciate the little amount of time I have left before Lily becomes a little girl. Everyday she says new words and sentences and that just blows my mind! She just turned two and it feels like just yesterday she was a newborn completely dependent on me. I think there will be many more adventures in our near future!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I finally gave in!

After going back and forth in my head about whether i needed a blog or not, I decided to go ahead, pull a Nike and Just Do It!  I am an admitted blog stalker so it is only appropriate that I have my own space to vent and share what is going on amidst the craziness I call my life! So welcome and please feel free to stay as long as you like...and because every post is better with an image here is one of me taken by my best friend on a recent wine tasting trip to Carmel Valley!