Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tie-Die Cupcakes and Birthday Shenanigans

For Lily's Birthday this year I wanted to make something memorable and totally different! I wanted to bake something fun for her to take to preschool so I decided to make tie-dye cupcakes! You start with a box of white cake mix and add gel food coloring to the batter. Because I wanted 4 different colors, I separated the batter into 4 bowls and added a different color to each bowl. Make sure to buy the vibrant gel colors and not the pastels!
Here is a picture of the lineup before we started spooning the batter into the liners.

This is how the inside of the cupcake will look after baking. Sorry for the terrible pic but all I had was my point and shoot!

Brian even got in on the action and helped with filling the cupcake liners. The trick is to spoon the different colors on top of each other making sure to add the batter to the center of the liner.

The different colors will bake together and won't mix! It was such a hit at her school that the teachers asked how I made them!

All packed up and ready to be devoured!


I can't believe it has already been three years since you came into my world! You are the sweetest little girl and I love you more than you can possibly know! I love the way you run up to me and hug my legs, and the way you tell me every night you are going to get big and strong and play football like uncle melts me! You are the bubbliest three year old and you have never met a person you didn't want to make friends with. You are the light of my life and I can't wait to see what amazing things you accomplish with your life. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Kisses from Mommy