Friday, February 12, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy Year

I realize that it has been many many months since I last posted. I have had so many things going on in my life that I put my blog on the way, way, can hardly see it back burner. I made a very painful but necessary decision last year and chose to go back to school.

I am still shooting weddings and doing portrait sessions but not nearly as many as I had hoped I would be able to. I decided to finish up my nursing prerequisites and apply to CSUMB at the same time. I have since completed every single one of those miserable prereqs and just received my acceptance letter to CSUMB! Yay for milestones! My plan is to apply to nursing school in September of this year and also work on my bachelor of art degree in the mean time. Because nursing schools are so impacted, I am estimating it will take another year and a half to two years before I am accepted, which gives me just enough time to finish my bachelor degree. Ultimately, I would love to be a nurse full time which would mean three to four twelve hour shifts a week and then that would allow me time to do my photography on the weekends and on the days I am not working. We will see how it works out in a few years. I have decided to focus most of my energy on classes and studying at this time so you will be seeing mostly posts on things I love and things that inspire me. I will definitely work on posting more regularly.

Speaking of things that inspire me, I found this video on Make a House a Home I want to watch it over and over then go to bed and dream of swimming in fabulous navy blue sheets!