Sunday, July 26, 2009

Frustrations and Contentment

Lately I have been getting really upset with the turtle slow pace of my photography career and being an avid blog stalker has not been helping the situation. I read between 20 and 30 other photographers blogs on a daily basis and somedays it can be inspiring but other days it can make me downright green with envy! I sit there and start asking "What am I doing wrong? Why hasn't my business taken off like all these other photographers?"
It's funny how God works because the message the guest speaker brought to my amazing church really was meant for me! It spoke straight to my heart! During the summer our pastor takes a break and we have a ton of inspiring guest speakers. In July, we had Dr. Darryl Delhousaye and he was such a blessing. We have been studying the book of Phillippians written by Paul while he is in Roman prison. The sermon was about contentment, Dr. Darryl spoke about how contentment is learned and we humans are not born with it. We must learn how to be content with what we have in the present and not be so focused on what we think we "need". I have been so focused on the lenses and the website and branding that goes along with my photography business, that I have lost sight of who has given me the gift to be able to see the image and capture it. The Lord has blessed me with this creativity and this longing to capture the beauty in everyday moments. If it were not for Him, I would not be able to do what I love so deeply.
Despite everything that I think I "need", my camera is working and the lenses I have have gotten me this far. I have been able to capture some amazing images with the equipment that I have and I need to thank God for blessing me with the things I have right this moment.
I hope when I look back at this time in my life in the future I can laugh at the miniscule things i was stressing about.

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